Thursday, October 31, 2019
MANAGING ORGANIZATIONS & LEADING PEOPLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
MANAGING ORGANIZATIONS & LEADING PEOPLE - Essay Example Among them are golf clubs, fine dining, and boating. It also provides parasailing, yacht charters, luxury lodging and unmatched concierge services. All the hotels under Shangri-la are branded five-star Shangri-la and four-star Traders. The hotel was founded in Singapore by a Malaysian-Chinese tycoon named Robert Kuok. Its growth is also attributed from quick differentiation that management of the company engaged in, distancing it from the competition. Differentiation enabled Shangri-la Company to provide distinctive Asian standards of hospitality and services. After some time in service, the company garnered popularity and recognition internationally. It received awards and recognition from prestigious publications and industry partners. By the year 2006, the hotel had expanded its jurisdictions to hotel ownership and operations. It accommodated property development, and hotel management services. Rapid expansion of the companies began in the 1980s in Asia. By the year 1999, Shangri- la had 35 hotels across Asia. In the year 2000, Shangri-la began expanding its territories of operation beyond Asia. In 2003, the Traders Hotel Dubai established Shangri-la in United Arab Emirates. It was also established in Sydney, Australia, North America, and Europe. In order to achieve expansively and effectiveness, Shangri-la used a 5- level organizational design. Each level had separate guidelines and discretion. The name Shangri-la was adapted do reflect the company philosophy for hospitality for caring people. The theory is strongly supported in every branch of the company and all employees of the company from top most-senior employees to the junior employees. The Shangri-la hotel primary leaders act to change rather than direct. Normally, the primary leader is involved in influencing others so that they can all work together. Shangri-la advocates for their functions to maintain three functional pillars (Martin, 2006). The functional pillars are the leadership
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Business and Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Business and Society - Assignment Example Growth of industries and corporations in the modern world helps to generate greater employment opportunities and increases the per capita income level of individuals (Elliot, 2011). Thus, the corporations help to shape up economic welfare of the individuals. Corporate social activities of the modern organizations help to improve the quality of environment and society. However, these companies often utilize their own financial power for manipulating the policies established by the regulatory authorities (Langeland, 2013). Such activities are conducted through the lobbying practices of the corporations. Thus, industries and corporations in the modern era possess the power to shape the political, social, cultural and economical aspects of the world. Most of the corporations try to maximize their profitability and revenue in business. However, unique strategies of some companies create significant impact on the social and economic environment of some individuals. For instance, Ben & Jerry, a popular ice cream company of United States provides extensive attention on social and environmental improvement aspects (Roach, 2007). In 2001, the company had used all unbleached paperboard pints for packaging purposes. In its popular One Sweet Whirled crusade, the company tried to address over the issue of global climatic change. Such social responsibility related activities of Ben & Jerry helps to improve the social and net welfare across different economies (Roach, 2007). Giant multinational companies such as Apple Inc., generates employment opportunities for thousands of individuals. However, lobbying practices of the multinational companies diminishes social welfare. Companies like Samsung spend almost $900,000 for manipulating the tel ecommunication property rights related regulations introduced by the Federal government (Langeland, 2013). Business, government and society are three highly interrelated factors in the current epoch.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Performance Management And Improvement In Larsen And Toubro Management Essay
Performance Management And Improvement In Larsen And Toubro Management Essay Introduction The purpose of this assessment is that to identify and analyze the Human Resource policies adopted in the companies and determine whether these policies are appropriate or not based on the current market trends. The investors will be interested in certain way how the company os performing , for this the HR policies adopted by the company plays an important role. Selection and recruitment Flexible Work arrangements Performance management and improvement. Grievances I have taken into consideration the various Hr policies that I plays an important role in the companies not only the one that I will be discussing in this assignment but to other companies as well Here I have focused on the HR polices of a MNC company which is into various sectors of business , here The attention would be on the IT sector of that company. Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) Background Information. Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) is a company which is ito various sectors such as in manufacturing, engineering and also in IT . It is Multinational company , which has a branch in London UK its IT sector. This company on the overall has a strong customer focused approach and c class quality in all major lines of its industry. Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) has offices and branch which is globally spread .The company has around 11590 employees. LT Infotech focuses on Information technology and software services Business Model Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) offers three different business models or strategies that the clients can switch between them. Here each model benefits are unique , the clients can choose the best model at any point of time , to suit its business plans. Onsite Services In this model , the LT engineers are sent to the clients team at the clients location . here in this the client representative or the project manager of LT manages the project in the clients location .This model is suitable for onsite consulting with the clients customers for clients platforms and products. Offshore services Under this model the LT engineers develops the products required by the client on a need basics. A client representative would be doing the project co-ordination on the clients side. GLOBAL PERSENCE LT has its offices located globally.The company is into international business and the revenues has been growing steadily due to overseases business. The company has manufacturing facilities in India, China, Oman and Saudi Arabia. It has a global supply network with offices in 10 locations worldwide, including Houston, London, Milan, Shanghai, Seoul. Clients Its clients include industry leaders like Marsh McLennan, Standard Life, Travelers, Chevron, Freescale, Hitachi, Sanyo , Lafarge , ABSA , CitiGroup, Barclays , eCORPUS, Marathon and Qualcomm among others. Competitors BHEL Suzlon Energy BEML BGR AIA Engineering Alfa Laval1, Praj Industries Shriram Future Plans A blueprint for the next phase of growth till 2015, named Vision 2015, at Larsen and Toubro Ltd is being drafted and will be ready by March 2010. The company is planning to focus on segments traditionally dominated by foreign defence equipment makers and state-owned companies., . The company also hopes that the nuclear program will be in place once the new government assumes power. By signing pacts with three companies in the nuclear energy space, LT has hedged its risks as a nuclear equipment maker. It has put in place a nuclear equipment forging shop in Hazira in Gujarat at an investment of Rs1, 500 crore. This is in addition to a defence shipbuilding yard near Chennai at a cost of Rs1, 500 crore. As per plan, the company will create three operating companies to look after defence, aerospace and nuclear power sectors for effective operations. HUMAN RESOURCE INTRODUCTION The company considers people as the most important asset . they have teams with a diverse profile that include people from various backgrounds such as technologist and architects .The company choose people that are motivated in them self and have a strong sense of commitments with their clients. The people of these company have a nark in which they can tackle clienst and going for an extra mile for appreciations The company is maintaining a strong value driven professional work environment where every employee feels respected and fulfilled. The company follows a competency development approach which would allow them to maintain the talent the company has made. Selection and recruitment Larsen Toubro InfoTech always employees the candidates based on the merit and competence. The company also look for certain other qualities as well in an individual such as analytical ability Communication and innovation skill in practical problem solving. The Larsen Toubro InfoTech gives a very high importance for the candidates academic excellence. Why careful selection is required by LT InfoTech? The company is highly recognised and the quality standards are very high, in this company performance is important because having the employee with the right skill and right knowledge will be good as the firm will not suffer in the long run. Cost is another important factor because it will cost the employer a to recruit and hire people.. Larsen Toubro Infotech follows a competency-based recruitment philosophy, wherein Competence based job analysis basically means writing job description based on competencies rather than job duties. Thus kind will emphasis what the employees must be capable of doing rather than having a list of duties he or she must perform. Normal this competence based job descriptions describes job in terms of measureable, observable, behavioral aspects. This type of HRM policy would play participant roles while still allowing for evolution. All processes are geared to achieve our objective of attracting and selecting the best and brightest talent, while ensuring a best fit of the profiles. Typically the company recruits 75% of the candidates through various campuses and 25% of them through web based recruitment. Since web based recruitment is very common in UK and worldwide in advanced countries. Lots of companies pull information from web based sites. Larsen Toubro InfoTech offer of employment is a combination of multiple factors. It includes the value of the Larsen Toubro InfoTech brand, the opportunity to work with the best in class people who have graduated from top universities, an opportunity to work in multiple environments, and has world-class software development centres Objectives Recruitment procedure includes a simple description for job covering such as key activities, tasks, skills required, expectations, deliverables and safety considerations. When advertising, avoid discriminatory language e.g. young person. Recruitment process may include an application form, interviews , practical testing ,references checks , right to work in UK. Give the successful candidate a letter of appointment setting out clear terms and conditions. This includes the nature of employment e.g. permanent part time, casual. The letter should include a Larsen Toubro InfoTech come note and start details. Once the candidate has accepted, contact the unsuccessful candidates as a matter of courtesy Critical analysis Recruiting good candidates is every companys job. Human resource manager usually take the lead and coordinates the required activities , but every employee, every manager and every supervisor of the company has a role and share in the benefits of recruiting best applicants for the required position in the company. While I understand any company requires good applicants and candidates , In an interview we usual come across HR managers and several other employees of the company in the interview room , I usually find that employer usually throw questions at the candidate primarily aimed at tripping the candidate off rather that finding out what they could offer through their skills. Usually I have noticed that the HR manager of any company usually ask their own favorite questions. But the strategy applied by this company seems to be the best and most competitive in almost every aspects. This strategy applied by the company I understand that the HR team Knows the job requirements Know what skill is required fot that job They know what they are looking for in the candidate They know how to structure an interview By the application of the above strategy of this company(competency-based recruitment philosophy) Manager can quickly find out who would be best for the job. The can find out important thing from the candidate such as Knowledge and experience Overall motivation to succeed Poise and confidence Communication Intellectual capacity Personality Factor Goals ambition From this I understand that this competency-based recruitment has a interview plan about which we can draw the candidates general strength amd limitation . This competency-based recruitment finds the employees who will be technically be competent and fit the company culture. Recommendations High performance work system: This kind of recruitment and selection application would help the employees to work in a self motivated way. The team member would have better communication effiency as because the all have the same sets of knowledge. More strategic: This would help the organization to have a better ways of recruiting people by describing their job in a more measurable , observable behavioral competencies an employee must exhibit to do a job well. Performance management: Basing the employees training, appraisal and rewards on fostering rewarding the skills and competencies he or she needs to achieve his or her goals. Flexible Work arrangements Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) expects its employees to maintain a high standard of conduct and work performance to make sure the business maintains its good reputation with customers and clients. Good personal conduct contributes to a good work environment for all. Based on the responsibilities carer and private life the employees, the employees will require flexible work arrangement from their employer. The employees are given the freedom to send in their request based on their requirements. But the company will also have to look into the employments opportunity act , Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) Will look in to the request based facts and circumstances , later decide whether to accept or reject the request of the employee. Objectives The employees s environment of the work in the company and their responsibilities The Kind of situation the employee would be in if he does not fulfil the family or carer responsibilities The Financial strength of the employer The Kind of business the employer is in and the circumstance of work environment The impact on business if the employer has this flexible work arrangements The impact on business if the employer does not have this flexible work arrangements Apart from these objectives under the National Employment Standards , only a certain set of employees will have the right for this flexible work arrangements such as if the employees has served the organisation for 12 months ,secondly if they have a child who is under the school age, thirdly if and only if they also have c child who is under 18 and physically challenged. Employees must put such a request in writing. Which would involve an application form? Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) will response to their queries in a matter of 21 days in writing if the leave is granted or not . Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) will also provided in writing as why it was refused based on their business norms . Here in this company this flexible work arrangement will not be a hurdle at the times of promotion or responsibilities.. The company will treat all the employees equal including those who have these advantage of flexibility. Critical analysis: What I evaluate from this is that flexible work schedules have positive effects on employee producitiy , job satisfaction This has become quit popular in the last few years trying to reduce staff cost without having to make redundancies during recession. It can also help provide staff cover outside normal working hours and reduce the need for overtime. This kind of work flexibility will have the following benefits such as They will be a reduction in absenteeism which are unplanned ,lateness and slo stress This will improve the staff availability and travel shift work. The employees commitment would increase so this would increase the efficieny of the organization. Give suitable work hours which would be beneficial for the employer as well. The employee can work while kids are at school The employee can do more part-time work e.g. 2 days and 3days Longer hours less days There is a dramatic change in many of the organization in the recent years when they have introduce this flexible work arrangements, but this has improved the overall productivity , commitment and output of the employees. This provides the employees relaxation in terms of task duties and responsibities and also provided the employees with a opportunity to work away from campus. I analysis that Flexible working opportunities can benefit everyone employers, employees and their families. Most employers now recognize that it makes good business sense to provide flexible working opportunities for their staff. The flexible work arrangements have changed over the years in United kingdom where in 17.7% of men and 26.7% of women were employed with flexitime arrangements in the United Kingdom, Recommendations What I think is best is they should conduct a survey as to what the employees require The Survey should state what is needed and the staff would really respond is a appropriate way, which would provide an insight on culture of the organization. This type would also improves ways of getting worked done so the building or the floor is utilized to its full capacity . Work during quiet periods Working in this type of nature would increase the amount of work and making maximum use of the human resource. Fox example, if you are in customer service this would help a person make use of this time in paper work when the phones re not ringing Work-life balance This way of working environment would create a balance in work life which will help morale, motivation and commitment to the organization. This would help a person focus on his/ her work more effectively, than changing their focus elsewhere. This would help in increasing the business reputation of the employer as a whole Impact on your employers business This system has a major impact on the business , they are possibilities that the application might get rejected based on the business grounds of the organization. Cost of keeping the workplace open for longer There will be cost incurred in opening the workplace for longer, which could be a loss for the company , think about the security they need to provide we need think about these costs by the adavantage of this. Keeping track of hours worked The company may argue that it will be difficult to keep a track of hours the employee is trying to work .This might lead to confusion in the ending during the time of payment. Responding to customer needs I refuse the concept of to work flexitime as it will have an impact on the ability of the business to meet customer demand. I would Point out the business to would respond better to customer needs if more hours of the day is available two Performance management and improvement Traditional the organization conducted the performance in an disorganized manner and they would listen to the higher sub ordinates and take their orders these were considered as performance indicators. The formal system of appraisal followed by the Indian companies was considered as a confidecial report.. The purpose of Performance management and improvement is to improve the efficiency of the employees. The company encourage the employees to give feedback to management . The company employees will undergo a formal kind of performance review by their immediate managers based on the performance of that employee for that particular period 4 times in a year. The company follows the critical incident method , the manager keep a recorded of positive and negative contribution of the sub-ordinate s work related behavior .And discuss the performance based on this examples. objectives The software company like L T the project manager of that particular team would handle this performance review and here will be particular time set by the management of the company for this . The manager that is project manager would meet openly and constructively discuss the performance of that employee usually a general discussion. Based on the performance training would be given for that employee if their performance is very bad The manager should make a note of that team should have notes and copies that which is required to should to the higher authourity. L T uses this performance e to improve the performace of the company .If the company is not happy with the performance of the employee the company may end that employees employment.Depending on the circumstance , the performance improvement action may include warning , councelling or retraining. LT requires a ceratin minimum standard of performance which will be made clear to the employees that this would also help in appaerisal. But if the employee does not meet to the standards of the company LT will take apporaite action or in cases of serious misconduct or brech of policy may dismiss the employee. Every employees of LT must understand their responsilities and it is expected out of the by the company to meet the standards as required by LT. The comaony also provides a chance to the employee to defend themselves befor any action could take place. Performance improvement objectives LT will identify the employess who are in shortfall of performance and give them a chance of improvement. The manager will keep on eye on their improvement and based on their state of performance would sugeet them approate action such as training If the employees was given a verbal warning the manager will make of note odf the date and mark it. The manager will allow the employee to respond before making a decision and consider the employees responses. The employee may have a support person present at such meetings. The manager will decide if more action is needed. They will continue to support the employee and note the support they give, for example, training or counselling. The warning must clearly define: the deficiency a clear explanation of the expected standard by when the employee needs to achieve it how the business will help the employee achieve the improvement required consequences of failing to improve. Critical analysis The performance management system has a lot aof advantage for the company as it would be beneficial to the employess and the organisation as awhole. The employees will be working for themselves as well as for their individual teams thus improving the levels of communication. This is a type of goal alignment means having a process in place that allows any manager to see the link between employees goal and those of the teams and organisation. This type of performance evaluation in the organisation would help work flow, process control and return on investment on on ehich the company is targeting for would be linked in a meaningful way in achieveing the company overall performance. But not all the employees would be benefited from this system. We need to understand as to why this performace improvement is required . Firstly because they serve a useful career palaaning purpose . they provide an opportunity to review the employees carrer plan in light of his or her ahrenght or weakness. Secondly this would help the manager and his/ her sub ordinate to develop a proper plan to identify the sub ordinates deficiency and reinforce the right strategy in overcoming that defiencey. Thirdly this would help the employer to turn their strategics goals into specific employees goal , this can be done only if the performance is reviewd periodically. Critical Incident method has several advantages such as this makes tghe supervisor think all over the year about the appraisal of the sub ordinate. It also provided examples of good and poor performance that the supervisor can use to explain the persons rating But the down side of this critica incident menthod would be that the manager cannot use this foe comparing employees performace ith others. Recommendations. It help in setting the organisational goals Setting the departmental goals Define expected results Helps in performance Review Helps in providing feedback Standards may be unclear; halo effect, central tendency, liency, bias can also be problem Difficult to develop Can cause disagreement among employee and may be unfair if all employees are, infact excellent Time consuming Difficult to rate or rank employs relative to one another. Grievances Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) supports all the employees of its organisation to wite a grivence report to their manager if any decision on the of the management of the company is affecting their employement and what make them feel unfair. They can also compliat if the performance improvrment action against them is not suitable. Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) makes all possible attempts to solve the grievance of the employs in many possible ways .The manager would have the grievance that to the next possible level of authority for more discussion on this, have it sorted ouit as soon as possible . Managers will do their utmost to action grievances objectively, discreetly and promptly. Be aware that grievances that are misconceived, vexatious, and lacking substance may result in disciplinary action being taken against the employee lodging the grievance. Objectives The employer should solve this grievance as soon as possible .This should be informal and verbal. If this could not be achieved then the then grievance should be solved in a formal way and this process is continues. To start with the formal grivence investigation the compliant should be given in writing , with all the details , date , location and how they have tried to solve this problem in an informal way . If the grievance still cant be resolved, refer the matter to the most senior manager for consideration and a final decision. A grievance taken to this level must be in writing from the employee. Visit the work area of the grievance. Determine whether they were any witness. Fully examine the report of the grievance. Critical analysis A grievance is obviously problem encountered by an employees of any organisation. Sometimes there might exist bad relationship between the manager and the sub ordinates, there will be conflicts between the team members . problem employees are yet another cause for grievances shoot up in the company, these kinds of employees are always unhappy. These are individual who by nature it self are negetative , dissatisfied and prone to complaints. Yet the strategy introduce by these company its very good what I felt wa that the company should be careful while handling a grievance because they should not loss out any of the other good employees, in facta very good procedure indeed. Recommendation The best ways to handle the grievance s to build up an environment in such a way that the grievance would never occur. CONCLUSIONS Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) expects its employees to maintain a high standard of conduct and work performance to make sure the business maintains its good reputation with customers and clients. Good personal conduct contributes to a good work environment for all. This HR policy and procedure of Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) provides the policies and procedures for managing and developing staff. It also provides guidelines Larsen Toubro Limited (LT) will use to administer these policies, with the correct procedure to follow. In fact the above few mentioned facts are one among the HR policies, time to time it will be necessary to modify and amend some sections of the policies and procedures, or to add new procedures The main benefits are that it: assists the company to meet its legal obligations is a proven way to help managers and supervisors make consistent and reliable decisions helps give each employee a clear understanding as to what is expected and allowed
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Ethics Concerning Space Debris Essays -- Outerspace Essays
The Ethics Concerning Space Debris In more than 40 years of space activities some 3800 launches led to about 25000 observable space objects larger than 10 cm of which 8300 were still in orbit by September 1997. Only 6% of the catalogued orbit population are operational spacecraft, while 50% is said to be due to "decommissioned satellites," spent upper stages, and objects such as launch adapter and lens covers, which are mission related. The other 44% is originating from 140 on-orbit fragmentations. These events have been the main source that has generated a population of objects larger than 1cm on the order of 70000 to 150000. Efforts to provide a definitive assessment of this problem have been directed toward analyzing the hazard level presented by particular debris populations and predicting how this hazard level will change with time. Much less effort has been directed toward satellite design and strategies to minimize the short-term and long-term effects of debris deposition.[9] Larger pieces of debris can cause catastrophic collisions with both manned and unmanned spacecraft. Currently, manned missions are planned around known pieces of space debris, "continuation of present design and operational practices and procedures ensures that the probability of collision will increase and will eventually reach unacceptable levels, perhaps within a decade." As stated by the AIAA the space debris issue should be faced by all space users, and coordinated action should be taken immediately if the future use of space is not to be seriously restricted. "There is an immediate need for an international dialog to be initiated on the space debris issue, with the goal of forming responsible groups to coordinate research ... .../ [5] Rossi, A., "Long Term Evolution of Earth Orbiting Objects," [Online Document], 1996 Mar 12, [cited 2000 November 17], Available HTTP: [6] Goldstein, R.M., and S.J. Goldstein Jr., "On the Flux of Millimetric Space Debris," [Online Technical Document], Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1994. [7] Baker, Howard A., Space Debris: Legal and Policy Implications. The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1989. [8] Christol, Carl Q., International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects. American Journal of International Law, Vol 74, Num 3, April 1980. Available: JSTOR Journal Storage. [9] AIAA "Position Paper prepared by the AIAA Technical Committee on Space Systems" [Online document], July 1981 [Cited 2000 November 17], Availab HTTP:
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Operation & Logistics Management Essay
In modern world, the management of operations and logistics can represent the know-what, the know-how, and know-why of a company’s overall picture as well as its functional areas. Knowledge of the management is acquired by managers and employees, including analysts, by examining and investigating operations under study. This differs from the acquisition of specialized knowledge that is learned by performance over time. Usually, the management of operations and logistics is conducted by company personnel who possess a high level of skills in their field of work, for example, strategic planning, marketing, manufacturing, accounting and finance, and human resources. Besides, there are other company occupations that include some type of management work, directly or indirectly. The management of operations and logistics can therefore be defined as ‘‘the acquisition, creation, packaging, or application of knowledge’’ (Lesser 90). KANGPUT Technology Development Company has been increasingly, and heavily, influenced by economic theories of the firm; notably, developing management systems, selecting appropriate software that may be placed under the umbrella term of the â€Å"knowledge-based view of the firm†. KANGPUT Technology Development Company is based on customer satisfaction. This essay is based on KANGPUT Technology Development Company in China. This paper will consider how to use, maintain and control the knowledge effectively so the current management of operations and logistics of the organisation could be improved and have a better future overall. This work also covers the possible need for the director of KANGPUT Technology Development Company to accommodate changing knowledge work processes. An important part of developing operations and logistics management systems is selecting appropriate software, and therefore software selection is also discussed in the paper. Operations form the base of both multinational and small company, whether in manufacturing, service or non-profit organisations. Operations Management & Logistics is a field that involves several subject disciplines such as product development, quality management, logistics, information systems and human resources management. Operations comprise beginning from the performance management of a group of design engineers to the exact forecast of production and delivery performance. People are the source of the ideas and actions that grow organizations. Yet the role of people and human capital has been changing in a fundamental way over the last several decades. Until recently, institutions have been the dominant part of the equation. As long as human inputs into wealth were seen as commodities, then people were interchangeable, one for another. Their contributions were marginal to the profits and practices of the company. As much as leadership proclaimed, â€Å"Our people are our most important resource,†very few organizations actually mobilized their people (Thierauf 32). A major challenge for the organisation is to engage and cultivate its networks of human capital (Bassett 35). In this era, the human capital that supports the company is only partially a group of direct employees. In fact, as time goes on, many organizations will operate with a core group of strategic leadership. The era where benign bureaucracies hired people to have jobs for life has come to an end. Instead, people will work in a number of organizations during their working lives and may have multiple engagements with a number of companies at the same time. People will increasingly begin to see themselves as companies of one, where they are responsible for their learning, their personal growth strategies, the quality of their relationships, and their work environment. As a result, a growing proportion of the people working with enterprises will be independent contractors, outsourced from other organizations, members of organizations with whom the enterprise has alliances. KANGPUT Technology Development Company raises these critical questions and lay the groundwork for establishing the kinds of frameworks, practices, and relationships that are necessary for any company to successfully navigate operations management & logistics. KANGPUT Technology Development Company must to make organization that is nothing more than an extension of human thought and action, which makes human capital the only active capital. Financial and physical resources are important, but they cannot be transformed without the lever of human capital. The input of human capital grows in value and is becoming the differentiator for the company. Therefore, KANGPUT Technology Development Company must recalibrate to see how that input operates and bring it into balance with all of the other elements, including long-term knowledge management strategy. There should be a power shift. As people will begin to be better able to autonomously gather information, achieve mobility, and initiate connectivity, they will redefine the role and value of their human capital. As a result, they will make new demands on management for more satisfying kinds of tools and techniques for the management of operations. Operations management has to, in a sense, catch up with its workforce and respond with increasing flexibility to obtain the kinds of capabilities and commitments it needs to succeed (Lowson 120). This is a major reversal for operation management, which is used to being able to dictate the terms of employment. Regardless, it is a necessity. Company leadership must come to know better what human capital it needs, not just for today, but also for tomorrow and the day after. It must understand how to rapidly acquire, compensate, grow, and retain it so that it can positively affect its business performance and operating objectives. The result is that it must change its orientation and its basic systems to be at the lead of the knowledge-based enterprise reality. Managing the knowledge and human capital for continuous learning, sharing, and connecting as human beings needs to be part of the daily practice of everyone, from leadership to the frontline of the company (Thierauf 67-78). In the beginning, it should be said that there is no single hardware or software product or combination of the two that can give a comprehensive approach to operations management. If a comprehensive operations management system environment is the ultimate purpose, hardware and software products cannot be utilized alone. Creating a company-wide knowledge management infrastructure needs the integration of many different technologies. For KANGPUT Technology Development Company to open successfully its collective knowledge for companywide use, it is essential not only to develop and use integrated hardware and software technology but also to use the development company’s employees and their related business processes with this knowledge management technology. If KANGPUT Technology Development Company employees are not working in a collaborative environment or if no procedures are in place to share the knowledge, no amount of operations management system technology can change that. For operations management system environment to work well, it must be viewed by company employees at all levels as a strategic means for KANGPUT Technology Development Company to become more competitive and ensure success in the long run. To better comprehend what needs to be done to develop operations management systems effectively, it is best to begin with past and current approaches to the management of operations. This can be done in the form of expert systems and then go on to various levels of operational knowledge acquisition and useâ€â€beginning from tactical knowledge to strategic knowledge (Leonard-Barton 156). To acquire and spread narrow- to wide-based operational knowledge for KANGPUT Technology Development Company’s employees, the present knowledge work processes may have to be innovated. This may include reengineering in which knowledge work processes have to be revamped so that knowledge flows freely to every functional unit and subpart that needs it. In order to achieve this ambitious knowledge work redesign, several approaches can be undertaken by operational knowledge management system developers. First, KANGPUT Technology Development Company can change the content of knowledge by expanding what it encompasses in order to better meet desired goals. Second, the company can reorder the composition of work so that company employees may change the concentration of their jobs from information to knowledge. This change may demand the use of more teams of employees in order to share knowledge learned from previous projects, job assignments, and the like. From another side, the change can concentrate on the employment of new networking technology that lends itself to groupware. Using this technology allows employees to have individual knowledge bases and global knowledge bases so that to improve the effectiveness of their operations. Overall, the described changes are quite consistent with reengineering approaches to work and also bolster the efforts of employees using knowledge to make their jobs more effectively. For the purpose to decide which approach to use for reengineering work processes, it is essential for the operations system developers to define which knowledge orientation is required by the company and its employees. Additionally, there are other factors that can influence which direction to choose. These involve the competitive environment, corporate culture, company strategies, problem-finding approach, and the information technology infrastructure. By creating an effective relationship among knowledge work processes, company employees, and the items set forth above, operations system developers can sort out the important factors and set forth ones that are useful in the final design. Operations management systems represent a new business intelligence technology that is useful. Business intelligence technology has become popular because it gives decision makers the opportunity to access and analyze large quantities of information. This information can be used to distil knowledge concerning current and future patterns and trends. Besides, operations management systems are attractive because they give decision makers faster access to desired knowledge which can be presented in new ways that do not require extensive custom programming. In the future of the company they will assist decision makers in making better informed decisions. The point is that decision makers have a wide base of resources at their command to use on problems facing them. Since no one software product can serve the full range of user knowledge needs, there are a host of products available today. Good operations management systems require the cooperation of the vendors, the computer department, and the company’s decision makers and their employees. Most outside vendor products have limitations that will be reached the first time a user says, ‘‘I need †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. What the person then finds is that the package has provided what is thought to be needed. The vendor can do little to adapt it. So instead of simply acquiring this package, it is necessary to look for one or more software packages that provide capabilities for adapting it to the needs of company decision makers. This naturally leads to the next team that must be created, the computer department. Cooperating with the computer department rather than treating it as an outsider will result in a operations management system much better used to the users’ needs. These computer employees, after all, have been providing much of the information that managers and their employees use. Therefore, they know what some of the decision makers’ needs are already. They will also be the people who will create and implement the system and adapt it to decision makers’ needs.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Founding Theorists of Management
Identify the founding theorists of management and then discuss the major schools of thought under which their theories can be classified. The founding theorists of management are Frederick Taylor, Max Weber, Henri Fayol and Mary Parker Follett. Taylor’s theory is classified under Scientific Management, and he was known as â€Å"the father of scientific management†. Scientific management can be defined as the scientific determination of changes in management practices as a means improving labour productivity.Taylor’s theory focuses on efficiency in the organization, improving the productivity of manual workers, and it demonstrates how providing workers with an incentive to perform can increase productivity. Taylor’s theory suggested four principles of scientific management. The first principle involves developing a science for each element of an individual’s work to replace the old rule of thumb methods. The second principle involves scientifically s electing, training and developing workers. Related article: Examples of Scientific Management in HealthcareThe third principle involves developing cooperation between workers and management to ensure that work is done in accordance with the scientifically devised procedures. The fourth and final principle of scientific management involves the equal division of work and responsibility among workers. While scientific management was praised for improving productivity, it was also criticized, because it ignored the individual differences among workers, and could not see that the most efficient way of working for one person may differ from that of another person.The application of scientific management is seen in today’s organizations when the best qualified applicants are hired for a job. Max Weber developed a theory of authority structures theory is classified under Bureaucratic Management, and it may be described as a formal system of organization based on clearly defined hierarchal levels and roles in order to maintain efficiency and effectiveness. Weber believed that organizations should be managed on an impersonal, rational basis, and that this type of organization would be more efficient and adaptable to change because stability is related to formal structure and positions rather than to a articular person who may leave or die. Weber identified six elements of bureaucratic management. This first element involves the division of labour with clear definitions of authority and responsibility. The second element involves the organization of positions in a hierarchy of authority, where each position is under the authority of a higher one, and subordinates follow the orders of their superiors. The third element involves the selection and promotion of personnel based on technical qualifications, or training and experience.The fourth element involves administrative acts and decisions which are governed by rules, and are recorded in permanent files to provide the organization with memory and continuity over time. The fifth element states that means of production or administration belong to the office, and that personal property is separate from office property. The sixth and final element of bureaucratic management states that rules are impersonal and applied to all employees. It also states that managers are subject to rules and procedures that will ensure predictable and reliable behavior.Bureaucratic procedures provide a standard way of dealing with employees. Everyone receives equal treatment and knows what the rules are, and this has enabled many organizations to be very efficient. The application of bureaucratic management is seen in today’s organizations with the Employee Code of Conduct. Henri Fayol’s theory can be classified under General Administrative Theory, and focuses on the one best way to run the organization. The general administrative theory focuses on how the entire organization should be organized, and the practices an effective manager should fol low.Fayol proposed a universal set of management functions, which are planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Planning, involves anticipating the future and acting on it. Organizing requires developing the institution’s material and human resources. Commanding requires keeping the organization’s actions and processes running. Coordinating involves aligning and harmonizing the efforts of organizational members. The final management function controlling, involves performing the first four functions according o the appropriate rules and procedures of the organization. Fayol developed theories of what he believed constituted good management practices, known as the fourteen principles of management. The fourteen principles are; specialization of labour, authority, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interests, remuneration, centralization, scalar chain, order, equity, stability of staff, initiative, and spiri t de corps, which means harmony and cohesion among personnel.Specialization of labour is where managerial and technical work is amenable to specialization to produce more and better work with the same amount of effort. Authority refers to the right of superiors to give orders and to expect them to be followed. Discipline is where the members in any organization must respect the rules and agreements governing the organization. Unity of command is where each subordinate receives orders from one superior only. Unity of direction means similar activities in the organization should be grouped together under one manager.Subordination of individual interests means, the concerns of the organization should take precedence over the concerns of the individual. Remuneration refers to compensation for work done, and it should be fair to both the employee and the employer. Centralization refers to the degree to which decision making is concentrated at the top levels of the organization. Scalar ch ain refers to the chain of authority which extends from the top to the bottom levels of the organization.Order implies that all material and human resources within the organization have a prescribed place to be. Material resources must remain in the right place at the right time, and people should be in the jobs or positions they are suited to. Equity implies that everyone within the organization should be treated equally. Stability of staff implies that there should be a low employee turnover rate in order to facilitate the efficient functioning of the organization.Initiative means that subordinates should be given freedom to share their ideas and carry out their plans. Esprit de corps means creating team spirit through the use of verbal communication, to promote harmony and cohesion among personnel. Fayol also stressed the role of administrative management and stated that all activities that occur in business organizations could be divided into six main groups, which are, technica l, commercial, financial, security, accounting and managerial.For example, production and manufacturing activities can be grouped under technical; buying, selling and exchange activities can be grouped under commercial; activities obtaining and using capital can be grouped under finance; protection of property and persons can be grouped under security; balance sheet, stocktaking, statistics and costing activities can be grouped under accounting and; planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling activities can be grouped under managerial.Fayol then concluded that the six groups of activities are interdependent and that it is the role of management to ensure that all six activities work smoothly to achieve the goals of an organization. Mary Parker Follett was a major contributor to the administrative approach to management. However, she was also an advocate of a more humanistic perspective to management, which highlighted the importance of understanding human behavior s, needs and attitudes in the workplace, as well as social interactions and group processes.She emphasized worker participation and the importance of goals that cannot be reached by a single party for reducing conflicts in organizations. Follett explained that managerial dominance and compromising only produced temporary adjustments. She proposed a process in which parties involved in conflict would interact despite the existing facts, and allow a new solution to come into view that none of the conflicting parties had considered. She called this approach to resolving conflict an integrating process.Mary Parker Follett’s approach to leadership stressed the importance of people, rather than engineering techniques, and she addressed issues such as ethics, power, and how to lead in a way that encourages employees to give their best, as well as the concepts of delegation of power and authority to employees, rather than controlling them. Although Frederick Taylor, Max Weber, Henri Fayol and Mary Parker Follett are not the only theorists to make contributions to the schools of thought of management, they have all made significant contributions to management, many of which have been implemented and even modified, in today’s organizations.
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